The Mission of the Christ the King Vocations Committee is threefold:
Create vocations awareness within our parish;
Begin and continue a campaign of prayer for vocations;
Assist our pastor in identifying those in the parish who might be interested in pursuing a vocation.
The Christ the King Vocations Committee sends a message of gratitude to all of those who have committed to praying the rosary one day a month for the intentions of increasing vocations.
Prayer means “to ask” in most languages. It is the sign of depending upon God and also an expression of divine hope. Your prayers will be heard by Jesus and Mary as we guide, support, nurture and pray for increasing vocation awareness here at Christ the King.
The Rosary is recited every 4th Sunday of the month before mass for the special intention of more vocations and for the those currently discerning their vocation. Please join us this week as we pray for our seminarians!